Holyoke Snippets — 26 March 1903

by Laurel | March 26th, 2014

26 March 1903

The Fatal Wedding

At the Empire Theater
26 March 1903
The Fatal Wedding

“The Fatal Wedding,” a melodrama will open a three-nights’ stand at the Empire Theater this evening. A neat advertising device has been sent out by the management — an invitation to the wedding of “Cora Estelle Williams” to “Howard Wilson” at the Empire Theater. On the poster above (click to enlarge) you will see a line under the image “See the cleverest of all child actresses, Baby Gladys Smith.” Gladys Smith was in fact the birth name of Canadian actress Mary Pickford.  In 1903 Gladys Smith, a child, received accolades from reviewers for her performance in this piece. So, while I haven’t the resources on hand to verify Gladys Smith performed at the Empire Theater, it is entirely possible. The poster above is from MaryPickford.org where I encourage you to to visit and read other interesting material  about Gladys Smith. Another poster from a sequel to this melodrama follows, more about this on Wikipedia:

For her Childrens' Sake

For her Childrens’ Sake
The Companion Play to The Fatal Wedding
“If You Strike My Mother I’ll Shoot!”

 Spring Offerings at Steigers — The annual spring opening of A. Steiger’s & Co.’s store was held last evening and was largely attended. No goods were sold, but opportunity was given to all to examine the season’s offerings in each of the numerous departments. In the basement there were musical selections, both vocal and instrumental. on the second floor the millinery and women’s ready-to-wear goods were displayed wit an eye to color and  effect, there being an additional attraction this year in the half-dozen or so canary birds who trilled musically all the evening. on the third floor an orchestra played and in the reception room the painting, “The Village Blacksmith,” was on view, and can be seen during the week, as the opening continues through today , tomorrow and Saturday. The arrangement and display of goods seem to improve each year. A convenience last evening was a printed program of the displays and the floors upon which they were to be found.

Bleach Boilers to South America — The Coghlan Holyoke steam boiler works are working on an order for machinery or South America — two bleach boilers to be sent to Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, by way of Montevideo, as soon as completed. The boilers are of the spherical type, 10 feet in diameter, and the order carries with it full equipment for them. The order was taken by Pietro Ansaldo of Genoa, Italy, and will be shipped through C.B. Richards & Co, export agents of New York city. The company is known as the Compania General de Fosforos,. The boiler works is also busy on much other work, including four rotary bleach boilers for the Kalamazoo paper company of Kalamazoo, Mich., and one for the L. L. Brown paper company of Adams.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican. Images courtesy of MaryPickford.org and Library of Congress.

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