by Laurel | September 24th, 2014
25 September 1909
Holyoke Snippets — 25 September 1909
Mt. Tom Visitors from afar — Over 9300 there in July alone — Statistics as to Homes of Visitors. — Nine thousand three hundred and sixteen visitors registered at the Summit house, Mt. Tom, during the single month of July, 1909. All the united States were represented, with the exception of Arkansas, Mississippi, Nevada, Oregon, Tennessee, Washington and West Virginia. The greater number, of course, registered from Massachusetts — 5386 in all. Springfield heads the column with 1428, then follows Holyoke, 898, Northampton, 335; Boston 26-; Chicopee, 238; Westfield, 177; Worcester, 169; Easthampton, 116; West Springfield, 103; South Hadley, 88; Amherst, 83; and the balance of the state 1491. The following is the record by states: Main, 51; New Hampshire, 88; Vermont, 134; Rhode Island, 144; Connecticut, 1478, of which 247 were from Hartford; New York, 855, of which 357 were from new York city; Pennsylvania, 169, of which 45 were from Philadelphia; New Jersey, 188; Maryland, 13; Washington D.C., 30; Delaware, 3; Virginia, 13; North Carolina, 3; South Carolina, 3; Georgia, 7; Florida, 7; Alabama, 1; Louisiana, 11; Texas, 3; Ohio, 68; Illinois, 89; Indiana, 17; Kentucky, 8; Michigan, 57; Minnesota, 18; Missouri, 24; Iowa, 16; Wisconsin, 13; Kansas, 6; Nebraska, 6, Colorado, 15; North Dakota, 2; South Dakota, 5; Idaho, 5; New Mexico, 5; California, 40; Montana, 2; Wyoming, 5; Utah, 1; Arizona, 1; Oklahoma, 4; Washington, 18; Alaska 1; unknown 103. The Following named places and countries scored as follows: Canada, 129; Mexico, 4; England, 49; Scotland, 24; Ireland, 14; France, 6; Germany, 7; Russia, 1; Italy, 2; Denmark, 3; Austria, 1; Japan, 4; China, 5; India, 3; Madagascar, 1; Jerusalem, 1; Philippine Islands, ; Panama, 1; Peru, 1; Patagonia, 1; Terra del Fuego, 1; Costa Rica, 2; Republic of Columbus, 2.
The recent visitors at Mt. Tom have included the following from a distance: Mrs. R. H. Burton, Jr., of New Orleans; G. G. Huot of St. Johns, P.Q.; Mrs. W. D. Todd of Lorain, O.; L.L. Lewis of San Francisco; Mrs. H. L. Vaughn of Denver; E. C. Emerson of Savannah, Ga.; M. A. Rice of Citra, Fla.; E. Olcott of Duluth, Minn.; S.E. Hoxie, of Washington, D.C.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Wait of Wheeling, W. Va.; T. Temple of Uplands, Cal.; Mrs. A. Wright of Huntley, Aberdeenshire, Scot.; Mrs. G. A. McLaughlin of Chicago; Miss L. Reeves of Liverpool, Eng.; Mrs. B. D. Brantley of Blackshear, Ga.; Mrs. L. H. Valle of Montebehard, France; Men Lowe Tong of Tien-sun, China.
Fined for Assaulting a Peddler — John Rohan was fined $3 for an assault yesterday morning in police court. While Rohan was endeavoring to sleep Thursday afternoon a peddler of gas mantles lifted up his voice under his window and sang the praises of gas mantles in a loud voice, refusing to stop the chant when requested by Mr. Rohan, who got up and changed the peddler’s feelings so that he no longer cared to shout. Patrick Dunford and Fred Turgeon were sent down for a month on drunkenness charges. Another assault case was continued until next Thursday. Two “drunks” were fined $11 each, one was fined $6 and one was released.
The Daughters of Caledonia held their second annual barn dance in the Caledonia Hall last evening, the committees in charge being as follows: Mrs. Sarah Simpson, Lizzie Marshall, Jennie Johnston, Mary Munn, Mary Fyfe, Maltilda Bridges, Martha Whitney, Sadie Morehead, Belle Cathro and Agnes Fletcher.
Mrs. Patrick Walker died last evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Craven of 72 Bridge Street, after a short illness. She leaves, besides her daughter, Mrs. Craven, five sisters, Mrs. Patrick Riley of Ireland, Mrs. John Connolly of Pittsburg, PA., Mrs. Owen Dixon, Mrs. Harry Kennedy, and Mrs. Michael Brickley, The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon, the time to be announced later.
Napoleon Villbean, the South Hadley Falls ice peddler, had a difference with his helper in South Holyoke yesterday morning and hit him over the head with a pair of ice tongs, cutting his head and face to some extent. Patrolman Carey was summoned to look into the trouble, but as the helper did not wish to take any action in the matter, no arrest had been made up to last evening.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.