Holyoke Snippets — 29 June 1898

by Laurel | October 24th, 2014

29 June 1898

Gatehouse of the Water Power Company

Gatehouse of the Holyoke Water Power Company

Will Not Accept Water Company’s Offer — The board of public works at the meeting last evening ordered a letter sent to the Holyoke Water Power Company declining the verbal proposition of the company to furnish light to the city after the contract expires on July 19. The proposition made by Treasurer Waters was that the company would not enter into a written contract, but would continue to furnish gas and electric light at the same price as is paid now, provided the valuation of the company’s plant is not increased by the city. The board instructed the superintendent of outdoor work to change the grade on the west side of High Street between Oliver and Lyman Streets, in accordance with plans of the city engineer. A letter was ordered sent the Holyoke Street Railway Company stating that the board will expect the work of changing the rails on Appleton Street to be begun on the morning of July 5. The city engineer was instructed to make a report on the practicability of draining part of Canal Street in front of the Hadley Thread Company’s mill. The board will allow the discharge of fireworks in the public streets from 12 o’clock Sunday night to 12 o’clock Monday night. The board laid on the table for investigation the request of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for permission to dig up the sidewalk on Dwight Street in front of the Whitcomb building for the purpose of running and underground conduit into the building.

Carl Wolf, 13 years old, was before the police court yesterday morning on the charge of breaking and entering W. J. Mahoney’s grocery store on Main Street last Monday night. Wolf was helped into the store through a window by another boy, Philip Schlosberg, who appeared before the court less than a week ago on the charge of larceny. While he was there, Officer Davis came along and, discovering the window raised, went into the store after the youthful burglar. Search failed to find him until as a last resort, a cracker box cover was raised and the young scamp found, snugly hidden therein. The cases against both of the boys were continued to tomorrow, when the state agent will probably appear. There have been a number of petty burglaries that have been laid to boys of late.

There has been some little complaint as to the filthy condition of Oliver and John Streets. Oliver Street is particularly filthy. Just who is to blame is being discussed. The board of public works say that the street is cleaned as often as the other streets, but that the Poles who occupy the greater part of the tenements throw all their rubbish into the street. it is a violation of the city ordinance to do this. It would seem that it might be well for the police department to get an interpreter if necessary and read the “riot act” to the Poles. It is quite important that a change for the better be made.

The Springdale Park Trotting Association has planned for three races for the Fourth at Springdale with purses aggregating $600. The three classes will be the 2.35 trot and pace, the 2.26 trot, and the 2.34 trot and pace. The races will be called at 2 o’clock. In the evening Dewey’s famous naval battle and the fall of Manila will be given and Prof. C. W. Oldriere will give his aquatic show.

James H. Waters, 30, died yesterday noon at his home, 137 Beech Street, after an illness of several months. he had been for several years a member of the High Street fire company, but resigned some time ago on account of ill-health. He had just got out a new hose coupling when he was taken ill, having worked hard over it and with some measure of success. Besides relatives in Ireland he leaves one sister, Mrs. Lawrence Dowdall, and three brothers, Peter, Owen and Barnard, all of Holyoke.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.

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