by Laurel | October 27th, 2014
01 November 1936
Holyoke, October 31 — Mrs. Edward Hano, newly elected president of the Holyoke Y. M. and Y. M. H. A. Mothers’ Club, was installed at exercises last Wednesday night with Max Fader of the Springfield Y. M. H. A. in charge of the ceremonies. Officers installed with Mrs. Hano include Mrs. Edwin Rubinwitch, recording secretary, Mrs. John Cutler, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Harry Ashley, financial secretary; Mrs. Samuel Resnic, treasurer.
Note: Mrs. Edward Hano (Miriam M. Frankel, 1905 – 1991), through her marriage was associated with the well-known Hano Company located in Holyoke. She served in an executive capacity at the company for a time. Mrs. Hano, though born in New York City, embraced the cities she lived and worked in throughout her life, including Holyoke, Springfield and Granby and was actively involved in civic and community affairs.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.