History of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts, 1879.

Mount Holyoke Royal Arch Chapter.

Mount Holyoke Royal Arch Chapter was incorporated in September 1865. The charter members were B.S. Bucklin, N.W. Quint, Henry Wheeler, R.B. Johnson, C.L. Frink, William Grover, Porter Underwood, T.H. Wellington, E.A. Marsh, Chas. H. Lyman.

The Past High-Priests are William Grover, C.L. Frink, T.T. Waterman, E.G. Best.

The present officers are as follows: Dwight Bradburn, H.P.; James Stafford, E.K.; L.M. Richards, E.S.; G.S. Bassett, Treas.; G.F. Bassett, Sec.; C.W. Brown, C.H.; A.A. Paul, R.A.C.; W.C. Wharfield, P.S.; C.H. Tower, Master 1st Veil; S. Featherstone, Master 2d Veil; T. Slingsby, Master 3d Veil; James Caffrey, S.S.; S.E. Bliss, J.I.; T.T. Waterman, C.; N.W. Quint, Tyler. Whole number of members, 139.

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