Rules and Regulations of the School Committee — 1927

The ABCs of School Board Marketing


Rule 1. All janitors shall be chosen by majority vote of the Board under the Civil Service rules from an eligible list submitted by the Civil Service Commission of Massachusetts.

Rule 2. The supervision of janitors, with due authorization from the Board, shall rest with the Superintendent and through him with the principal and any other agents that the Board may designate.

Rule 3. Janitors shall perform in a proper manner all duties required of them by the Board relating to the heating, cleaning and ventilating or the buildings and the care-taking of grounds and property.

Rule 4. Janitors shall have charge of the heating plant of the buildings and shall see that the rooms and halls are at all times properly warmed to a temperature not less than 60 degrees F. nor more than 68 degrees F.

They shall manage the heating apparatus with cleanliness care and economy, and shall never entrust the boilers or furnaces to any other person, unless special permission is obtained through the office of the Superintendent

Rule 5. Janitors shall sweep, oil, wash, spray, dust, or scrub the furniture and the parts of and places in and about the buildings until there is always thorough neatness and cleanliness. They shall wash\ the windows at least twice a year. They shall sweep the rooms, halls and stairways twice a week, and oftener if requested to do so by the principal or other duly authorized person. They shall inspect the sanitaries twice daily and keep them absolutely clean. They shall thoroughly clean the buildings during the summer vacation and at such other times as the Board may direct.

Rule 6. Janitors shall provide, by proper ventilation, clean, fresh air throughout the buildings at all times. They shall visit every room daily to insure good condition of ventilation and heating in accordance with the demands of the principals

Rule 7. They shall keep the grounds and lawns in a neat condition, and the walks free from ice or snow and safe for passage at all times. They shall keep the buildings secure, the book-rooms and store-rooms orderly, and the basements thoroughly clean. They shall attend to the removal of all ashes and waste material from the buildings and grounds.

Rule 8. Each janitor shall have care and custody of the flag and shall see that it is properly displayed according to law.

Rule 9. Janitors shall not absent themselves from the buildings or grounds during actual school hours without the knowledge and consent of principals in every instance, and in no ease shall they be absent for more than thirty minutes. They shall be in the buildings between the hours of nine and eleven in the morning and two and three in the afternoon on all school days unless excused directly by the Superintendent. On Saturdays and all vacation days, excepting the regular vacation period for janitors, they shall be in the buildings at regularly established hours.

Rule 10. Janitors shall not be absent from duty except in cases of personal illness or death in the immediate family, unless they obtain permission directly from the Superintendent or some other duly authorized person. In cases of necessary absence indicated above they shall send word to the principal or Superintendent or Schoolhouse Agent so that a substitute may be supplied.

Ride 11. Each janitor shall see that a printed copy of the rules governing his conduct, work and duties is posted in plain view in the janitor's room in each school building.

Rule 12. Janitors employed by the city under the supervision of the School Board shall not work. more than eight hours in any calendar day except in cases of extraordinary emergency. Where a Saturday half-holiday is taken, the hours of labor on working days may be increased sufficiently to make a total of forty-eight hours for a week's work.

Rule 13. Janitors shall make all minor repairs and perform all small duties required by the Superintendent, principal or other duly authorized agent.

Rule 14. Janitors shall make requisitions for all supplies and repairs through the principal on the regular blank form. They shall contract no bill, and they shall issue no order involving any expenditure of money save through the office of the Superintendent.

Rule 15. Smoking by janitors or other persons in and about the school buildings or on the school grounds, is strictly forbidden. Intoxication, profanity, insubordination, inefficiency or failure to obey any and all of these rules shall be considered sufficient cause for removal of a janitor.

Rule 16. Janitors shall have care and oversight of their school buildings, grounds and property during the whole year, and shall perform all their duties on the principle that the best that can be done is the standard.

Rule 17. Janitors shall consider their employment in the School Department as their only regular business. While off duty they shall not contract to do other work, or enter the employ of any person, firm, or corporation without the written consent of the School Board. This rule shall not be construed, however, as prohibiting janitors from taking care of the fires or performing janitor service in connection with apartment houses in which they live.

Rule 18. Matrons shall be elected by a majority vote of the full Board, under Civil Service regulations. Their duties shall be determined by the Committee on Buildings and Supplies. They shall be responsible directly to the principals and the Schoolhouse Agent for the faithful performance of their duties.

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