Rules and Regulations of the School Committee — 1927

Five Habits of High-Impact School Boards


Rule 1. The Committee on Evening Schools and the Superintendent shall annually, in the month of September, recommend the establishment of such evening schools for adults and minors over fourteen years of age as they may deem expedient.

Rule 2. The evening schools shall open on the first Monday night in October. The evening elementary schools shall close on the last Friday of the winter term and all other evening classes on the third Friday in March, The number of sessions per week and the hours for opening and closing the sessions shall be such as may be determined by the Board.

Rule 3. The rules of the Board respecting teachers and principals shall apply, so far as practicable, in matters concerning evening schools.

Wherever the evening school has more than one teacher, one of them shall be appointed principal and have a general supervision over the school.

Rule 4. The principal of each school shall keep a record of the name, age, residence, attendance, and attainments of each pupil under his or her charge, and any other information which may be directed by the Superintendent, and shall make due report to the Superintendent immediately after the close of the term.

Rule 5. The hooks used and the studies pursued in the day schools shall, so far as practicable, be adopted in the evening schools.

Rule 6. The rules of the Board concerning discipline shall, so far as practicable, apply in all matters relating to evening schools.

Rule 7. No person under fourteen years of age, and no person who is a pupil in any public day school, shall be admitted to the evening schools without the permission of the Superintendent.

Rule 8. Pupils are admitted to the Holyoke Evening High School as follows:

Residents of Holyoke who are graduates of the Holyoke elementary evening schools or who have at any time been promoted into the last year of the junior high schools.

All persons who can present the equivalent of the above.

Other applicants who show by some sort of examination that they are qualified to enter the school.

Pupils of more than average age who wish to take special courses not counting towards a diploma.

Pupils attending day schools who have received a special attendance permit.

Non-resident pupils who agree to pay a tuition fee determined by the Board.

Rule 9. The work of pupils In the evening high and elementary schools shall be recognized in the matter of granting diplomas and certificates in a way corresponding to that of the day schools.

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