Rules and Regulations of the School Committee — 1927

Changing Schools


Rule 1. No person shall be elected to any position in the School Department, or new position established, except by majority vote of the full Board.

Rule 2. No person shall be employed in the School Department who is not a citizen of the United States of America.

Rule 3. No bill against the School Board shall be approved and ordered paid until it bears the signature of the supply clerk, principal or head of the department for which the supplies were ordered. acknowledging receipt receipt of the goods; the signature of the Superintendent vouching for correct prices and extensions and the signatures of the majority of the Committee on Salaries and Finance affixed at a regular meeting of the School Board.

Rule 4. No order of any kind involving the expenditure of money shall be recognized as valid unless it is made out on a regular printed order blank, signed by the Superintendent of Schools, and by the Chairman on Supplies, or some other duly authorized person of that committee, at a regular, special, or sub-committee meeting.

Rule 5. No principal, teacher, clerk, janitor, or other person connected with the School Department shall give cut any order for supplies or shall confer with the Committee on Supplies on any order, request for supplies or other matter controlled by that committee save directly through the office of the Superintendent of Schools.

Rule 6. No principal, supervisor, teacher, janitor, or other employee of the School Department, with the exception of the Superintendent of Schools and the Schoolhouse Agent, shall make to the Board of Public Works any oral or written request or requisition for repairs, alterations, construction or similar work done in or about school property. Such requests or requisitions shall always be made to the office of the School Department.

Rule 7. A change may be made in the text books used in the schools by two-thirds vote of the whole Board at any meeting, notice of such intended change having been given at a previous meeting.

Rule 8. The books used and the studies pursued in the public schools shall be those authorized by the Board; and the teachers shall not permit any books or other publications to be distributed in their schools without such authority.

Rule 9. No person unless duly appointed for the purpose or officially connected with the schools shall be allowed to give instruction or deliver lectures in any school, without the permission of the Superintendent and the committee having such school in charge.

Rule 10. At the annual exercises of the graduating class of the High School, no religious exercises conducted by a clergyman shall be permitted.

Rule 41. Evening receptions by the High School classes shall be restricted to the two higher classes, and shall not be held without the approval of the school faculty and School Committee.

Rule 12. Permission to use school buildings for other than regular school work, shall be granted by the School Board for such charges and under such conditions as the Board may establish.

Rule 13. Charges for the use of school buildings may be abated by the Board, when the purpose is of such public interest and charitable intent as to warrant such abatement.

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