625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

The Professional Chef's Techniques of Healthy Cooking


Six eggs; yolks and whites beaten separately; one cup warm milk with a tablespoonful of melted butter in it; one tablespoonful of flour wet to a paste and put into the milk; add the whites last; cook in a spider till the bottom is done; then put in the oven till cooked through; then roll up; salt and pepper. — Mrs. A. L. Shumway.


Boil the eggs hard, and cut them in two; take out carefully the yolks; mash them well, adding a little finely minced onion, parsley, pepper and salt; mash also, double the quantity of bread which has been soaked in milk; mix all together, and hind then with the raw yolk of an egg; stuff the eggs with this mixture, so that each half has the appearance of containing a whole yolk; smooth the remainder of the mixture on the bottom of a pie dish; arrange the halves symmetrically in the bed, and brown a little in the oven. — Mrs. C. P. Lyman.


The fresher they are the longer time they will require for boiling; if you wish them quite soft, put them into a sauce pan of water that is boiling hard at the moment, and let them remain in it three minutes; in ten minutes fast boiling they will be hard enough for salad.


Have in your stew-pan one cup of sweet milk; a piece of butter half the size of an egg; let it come to a boil, then break: in six eggs and stir briskly with a knife till it thickens; add salt and pepper. — Mrs. G. H. Goldthwait.


Make a plain omelet; when it is done, scatter thickly over the surface some minced ham, tongue, or seasoned chicken; slip your broad knife under one side of the omelet and double in half, enclosing the meat; then turn on to hot dish; or you can stir the minced meat into the omelet after all the ingredients are put together, and then fry. — Belle Goldthwait.


Toast bread; melt cheese, and season with salt, butter and pepper, and pour over the toast. — F. A. Chapman.

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