625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

Aerolatte Original Steam-Free Milk Frother with Stand



To one pint of coffee, left from breakfast, add one pint of water, one cup of sugar; one-half box Cox's gelatine dissolved in a little water; let it all come to a boil; strain into a mould and cool; serve with cream and sugar; nice for tea. — Mrs. James Newton.


One box of gelatine; four tablespoonsful of sugar; one square of Baker's chocolate; three pints of milk; soak the gelatine two hours in the milk, and then put in the double boiler; scrape the chocolate fine, and put in a pan with two spoonsful of the sugar, and two of boiling water; stir this over a hot fire until smooth and glossy, (only a minute or so), and stir into the milk; add the remainder of the sugar, and strain; turn into moulds and set away to harden; add vanilla if you wish; make seven or eight hours before using. — Mrs. J. U. Woods.


Take one-third of a box of gelatine and dissolve in one-half a large cup of milk; when thoroughly dissolved add another one-half cup of milk; one large cup of strong coffee heated to the boiling point; one-half small cup of sugar; two eggs well beaten; pour into a mould; to be eaten with cream and sugar. — Mrs. J. S. McElwain.


Take one pint of milk; put it in a kettle of boiling water; when hot, add three tablespoonsful of corn starch dissolved in cold milk; and one-half square of chocolate, grated, (if you like it very strong, add more); and one half cup of white sugar; flavor with vanilla; turn into moulds to cool; eat with sugar and cream. — Mrs. C. P. Lyman.

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