625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke



Two and one-half cups of sugar; one cup of butter; four eggs; 1 cup of sweet milk; 4 cups of flour; one teaspoonful of soda; spice and two cups of raisins; two loaves. — Mrs. W. C. Newell.


White of six eggs; one cup of butter; two cups of sugar; one cup of milk; one cup of corn starch; two cups of flour; two teaspoonsful of cream tartar; one teaspoonful of soda. — Mrs. T.


Chopped apples, two cups; boil one hour in two cups of molasses (if green), if dried apples boil in the molasses two hours, and when cool add two cups of sour milk; two eggs; two thirds cup of shortening; one cup of sugar; two teaspoonsful of soda; one teaspoonful of cloves; one teaspoonful of cinnamon; one teaspoonful of nutmeg; four cups of flour; makes two loaves. — Mrs. Clifford.


Whites of twenty-four eggs; not quite one pound of butter; one pound of white sugar; one pound of flour; just a little lemon; one drachm of cochineal; one drachm of soda; one drachm of cream of tartar; one drachm of alum; dissolve this in eight teaspoonsful of hot water and mix one-fourth of the cake batter with it; put it into the tins the same as for marble cake; four loaves. — G. A. M


One cup of sugar; one-half cup of butter; one cup of sweet milk; the white of one large egg; two teaspoonsful of cream of tartar; one teaspoonful of soda; three cups of flour; one cup of fruit; salt; little nutmeg or lemon; makes one loaf. — Mrs. E. H. Walker.


Two cups of sugar; one cup of butter; one cup of milk; three eggs; three cups of flour; two teaspoonful of baking powder; beat butter and sugar together; add the yolks of eggs, then the beaten whites. — Mrs. Kendall, Mrs. H. H. Gridley.


One cup of butter; two cups of sugar; one cup of sour milk; two small teaspoonsful of salaratus; three pints of flour; two small tablespoonsful of ginger; when the milk is not very sour add a large teaspoonful of cream of tartar; roll very thin on flat-tin sheets, and bake in a quick oven. — Mrs. M. Adams Allen.


One cup of butter; two cups of sugar; two cups of sweet milk; one half cup of chopped raisins; three cups of flour; two heaping teaspoonsful of baking powder; one-half teaspoonful of nutmeg and cinnamon; two loaves. — Mrs. H. H. Gridley.

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