625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

The Complete Book Of Sushi


One cup of sugar; one-half cup of sour milk; one-half cup of butter; one and one-half cups of flour; the yolks of two eggs; one cup of fruit; one small teaspoonful of soda; beat well; makes one loaf. — Mrs. E. H. Walker.


Boil one cup of sweet milk; stir into it two cups of prepared cocoanut; when cool, add four eggs; three cups of sugar; one cup of butter; four and one-half cups of flour; one and one-half teaspoonsful of cream of tartar one teaspoonful of soda. — Mrs. J. W. Meacham.

Five eggs; two and one-half cups of sugar; one cup of butter; one cup of sweet milk; five cups of flour; three teaspoonsful of baking powder; this will make six layers; one cup of cocoanut with enough milk to make it spread, between the layers; the milk and cocoanut should be scalded together, and sweetened to taste; make a soft frosting for the top, and sprinkle on dry cocoanut. — Mrs. Mary Kagwin.

Three cups of sugar; one-half cup of butter, rubbed together; one cup of sweet milk; four cups of flour; whites of five eggs; three teaspoonsful baking powder stired into the flour; flavor with rose, and bake as jelly cakes; this will make five good-sized cakes; use one grated cocoanut and frosting between them. — Mrs. E. W. Bartlett.


One pint of molasses; one large spoonful of butter; one teaspoonful of salt; one and one-half cups of boiling water; two teaspoonsful of soda; add spice to taste; drop from spoon; bake quick. — Mrs. J. U. Woods.


One and one-half pints of flour; one-half pint of molasses; one-half pint sour milk; two-thirds gill of butter; one and one-half teaspoonsful ginger; one teaspoonful soda; little salt; boil molasses and butter together, and pour boiling hot on to the flour; then add sour milk and ginger; the soda the last thing; beat it very thoroughly and bake. — Mrs. John C. Newton.


One cup of molasses; one-half cup of butter; one-half cup of boiling water; one teaspoonful of ginger; one teaspoonful of saleratus; salt; two cups of flour. — Cora Fairchild, Mrs. Moses Newton.

One cup of sour milk; one teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in the milk; one cup of molasses; one teaspoonful of ginger; one-half teaspoonful of cinnamon; nearly three cups of flour; seven teaspoonsful of melted lard. — Marie G. Jones.

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