625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

Fiestaware Peacock 453 10-1/2-Ounce Mugs



A great deal of care and niceness is requisite in boiling meats; your copper should be very clean or well tinned; all meats should be boiled slowly; to boil them fast hardens the outside before the inside is warm, and dissolves the meat; a leg of veal of twelve pounds weight will require three and one half hours to boil in; the slower it boils the whiter and plumper it will be; when you boil mutton or beef, be sure to dredge them well with flour before you put them into the kettle of cold water; keep it covered; take off the scum; mutton and beef do not require as much boiling, but veal, pork or lamb are not wholesome if they are not boiled enough; a leg of pork will require one half hour more of boiling than veal of the same weight; you must allow one hour for every four pounds weight of beef or mutton; it is better to put meat in cold water; a leg of lamb of four pounds weight needs one and one-half hours boiling — Mrs. J. W. Rathburn.

When you wish to retain the juices in meat as in boiling corned beef, it should be plunged into boiling water; to make soup the meat should be put into cold water, that the juices may be extracted slowly. — Mrs. Moses Newton.


Take a roast of beef of five or six pounds, salt and pepper it, and put it into a pot with one pint of water; slice one onion and lay it on the top of the rest; then cover close and boil very slowly for four hours; when done remove the beef and thicken the liquid with a little flour serve as gravy. — Mrs. Murlless.


A very nice way of preparing corned beef, and of making a change in this oft repeated dish, is to take a piece of well corned rump or round, nine or ten pounds; make several deep cuts in it; fill with a stuffing of a handful of soaked bread, squeezed dry, a little fat or butter, a good pinch of cloves, allspice, pepper, a little finely chopped onion, and a little marjoram or thyme; then tie it up tightly In a cloth and saturate it in vinegar; boil about three hours. — Mrs. A. C. Nevins.

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