625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

MIU France Stainless-Steel Double-Wall Ice Bucket


Four cups of sugar; two cups of butter; four cups of flour; two cups of corn starch; two cups of milk:; whites of ten eggs; three teaspoonsful of Royal baking powder; flavoring to taste. — Mrs. Outterson.


Two cups of sugar; one-half cup of butter; three cups of flour; one cup of milk; two eggs; two teaspoonsful of baking powder; extract; makes two loaves. — Mrs. J. Bardwell.


One cup of sugar; one cup of cream; one egg; two and one-fourth cups of flour; one small teaspoonful of soda; the same of salt; beat very thoroughly together; add lemon or vanilla, and one-half cup of currants. — Mrs. Post.


One pound of sugar; one-half a pound of butter; six eggs; one cup of sweet milk; one pound of flour; two teaspoonsful of lemon extract; one and one-half teaspoonsful of baking powder. — Mrs. Outterson.


Whites of two eggs; one cup of sugar; small half cup of butter; one teaspoonful of cream of tartar; one-half teaspoonful of soda; one-half cup of sweet milk; one and one-half cups of flour. — Mrs. Stebbins, Mrs. J. B. Ramage.


Whites of three or four eggs; one half cup of butter; two cups of sugar; three cups of flour; one cup of sweet milk; three teaspoonsful of baking; powder. — Mrs. E. P. Bagg, Mrs. Post.


The yolks of the White Cake with the addition of one egg; same ingredients. — Mrs. E. P. Bagg.


One and one-half cups of powdered sugar; one-half cup of butter stirred to a cream; whites of four eggs; two-thirds of a cup of sweet milk; one-half teaspoonful of soda; one teaspoonful of cream of tartar; both dissolved in the milk; two small cups of flour; flavor with lemon. — Mrs. Dr. Tuttle.

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