625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

Southern Living Christmas Cookbook



For good plain pastry allow one cup of shortening to three cups of flour; lard alone makes the most tender and delicate looking pie-crust; some prefer butter with the lard, and some butter alone; if one uses butter the salt must all be worked out of it; put your shortening on the ice fifteen minutes before using; sift flour; little salt; then add the shortening chopping it with a knife; do not rub it at all if you want it flaky; use just sufficient water so that it can be roiled easily, taking especial care not to wet it too much; use cold water, ice water preferred; one cup of flour is sufficient for a pie unless a very large one; pastry needs a quick but not hot oven. — A Friend.


Take three cups of sifted flour; mix in thoroughly a large pinch of salt; then take a cup of lard, mix in as quickly as possible; never mind if there are lumps as big as the end of your thumb, (the whole secret lies in handling the paste as little as possible); now pour in a a little cold water, and stir with a knife; then sift some flour on the baking table, and take out all that is wet; pour in more water and wet up the rest; take all out on the table and sprinkle flour on it and roll over and over lightly, two or three times; now cut off as you need it, and roll out for the crust; in rolling use plenty of flour, if you wish to prevent the juice of the pie soaking into the under crust; beat the white of one egg and brush the crust; to give a rich brown to the upper crust brush that also. — Mrs. Cleveland.


Pie-crust can be kept a week and the last be better than the first, if put in a tight covered dish, and set in the ice chest in summer, and in a cool place in winter.

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