625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

The Herbal Kitchen


Grate the rind of one lemon; yolks of two eggs; one cup of sugar; one-third of a cup of flour; the inside of the lemon chopped fine; one pint of milk; pour this in the crust and bake; take the whites of the eggs, beat to a stiff froth; stir in sugar; after the pie is a little cold spread this over the top and put in the oven to brown. — Mrs. Murlless.


The juice and grated rind of one lemon; one cup of water; one tablespoonful of corn starch; one cup of sugar; one egg; piece of butter size of a small egg; boil the water; wet the corn starch with a little water and stir it in; when it boils up pour it on the butter and sugar; after it cools add the egg and lemon; bake with an under and upper crust. — Mrs. A. H. Childs, Mrs. J. U. Woods.

The juice and grated rind of three lemons; three eggs, (the yolks); one and a half cups of sugar; three cups of milk; four heaping tablespoonsful of flour or corn starch, wet with more milk; use the whites for a white top; this makes two pies. — Mrs. A. W. Draper.

Two lemons; squeeze out the juice, and chop the lemons fine; re-move the seeds; three cups of water; three cups of sugar; one egg; two-thirds of a cup of flour; beat the egg well with half a cup of water and the flour, then stir the lemon, juice and all together; this will fill three pies. — Mrs. John Smith.

Take one quart of boiling water; thicken quite thick with corn starch dissolved in cold water; the juice and grated rind of two lemons; two eggs; two cups of sugar; mix all together and stir into time boiled starch; bake with two crusts; this makes two pies. — Jennie Nickerson.

One cup of sugar; one cup of water; one half of a cracker; two tablespoonsful of flour; one egg; juice and grated rind of one lemon; makes two pies on small plates. — Mrs. J. Bardwell.

The grated rind and juice of one lemon; yolks of two eggs; one cup of sugar; two tablespoonsful of flour; one cup of cold water; butter size of a walnut; after well beaten then let come to a boil; line your plate with paste; fill with above; take the whites of the eggs for frosting. — Mrs. W. H. Stebbins.


Half a cup of dessicated cocoanut soaked in one cup of milk; two eggs; one small cup of sugar; butter size of an egg. — Mrs. C. P. Lyman.


One cup rhubarb chopped fine; one egg; half teaspoonful extract of lemon; little salt; bake with an upper and under crust. — Mrs. Clifford.

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