Death of M. J. Griffin

by Laurel | March 28th, 2012

28 March 1912

A Former Mayor of Holyoke

As Postmaster and City Solicitor He Had Also Served the City.

Former Mayor Michael J. Griffin of Holyoke, who died at his home on Brooks Avenue in that city early Saturday morning had been ill for a number of months. Last fall he was taken with an attack of sciatic rheumatism, and complications developed, making his condition serious, and for the last few weeks practically no hope had been held out for his recovery. Mr. Griffin had received many honors at the hands of Holyoke, and had deserved every on awarded him. He was always firm in his stand for what he believed was right and nothing could swerve him from it. In public office this trait showed strongly, and a possible defeat for office never caused him to adopt a course that he did not believe to be honest and straightforward. In public office he was a capable and efficient servant of the city, making a host of friends and but few enemies. By hard work he accomplished much, and his record while in public life was one in which pride could well be taken.

He had suffered many severe trials and sorrows during the past few years, first losing a son and daughter, and about four years ago the death of his wife occurred and last June death took his remaining son, Daniel.

Mr. Griffin was born in Holyoke 52 years ago, and was the son of John B, and Mary (Lawlor) Griffin. He graduated from the high school in 1876, following which he took a course in a business school in Springfield. He was then employed for a time as a drug clerk, and in 1883 was elected city clerk, holding this office for the next eight years, and in 1890 was elected mayor, serving during 1891. At this time he conducted a drug store on upper High Street, later locating at the corner of High and Dwight Streets, in the property now owned by the McAuslan & Wakelin store.

During Cleveland’s second term as president he appointed Mr. Griffin postmaster, ad he served in that capacity for the next four years. During his spare time he studies law in the office of John R. Callahan, and was admitted to the bar in 1897. He sold out his drug store and entered at once on the practice of law.

In 1805 he was appointed city solicitor by Mayor Nathan P. Avery, which office he held at the time of his death. For many years he was a member of the St. Jerome parish and sang in the choir, but on the division of the parishes he became a member of Holy Cross parish. He leaves a daughter, Hannah, a senior at Smith College and for sisters, Annie Griffin and Mrs John F. Shea, Mrs A. F. Sickman an Mrs. John R. Callahan.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.

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