Holyoke Snippets — March 18, 1913

by Laurel | March 18th, 2013

18 March 1913

John Lynch, who was arrested for drunkenness and was found to have a chicken tucked under his arm, was fined at the police court yesterday morning $11 on the charge and given a three months sentence to allow him the opportunity to break himself of his love for poultry. Joseph Murray was arraigned for drunkenness and nonsupport and his case was continues; four “drunks” were fined $6 each and two 411 each.

Blissville in Elmwood will be sold at foreclosure today. The property sold will consist of about 20 buildings, a large number of them completed and some in the course of erection. The sale will take place from foreclosure proceedings brought by E. L. Dibble of Springfield, one of the largest creditors. A number of creditors are interested in the sale and will be represented.

William Perry of Ely street, a motorman on the Holyoke street railway, was at the inauguration, and was spotted as a Holyoke man. He had a change to speak with Secretary of State W. J. Bryan, and after shaking hands asked Mr. Bryan, “Do you know C. T. Callahan?” Mr. Bryan responded by saying, “Are you from Holyoke?” one question answering the other.

Elmwood residents are planning a mass-meeting to be held in the Dexter hose-house Thursday evening, when a discussion will take place over the petition for the filling in of the dingle in Elmwood Park from Maple street to Beech street. Ward 1 residents will hold their mass-meeting this evening over the proposal for another park and playground in Ward 1.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.

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