Holyoke Snippets — April 16, 1902

by Laurel | April 16th, 2013

16 April 1902

The Show Girl or The Cap of Fortune

The Show Girl or The Cap of Fortune

The attraction at the Holyoke Opera House this evening will be Edward E. Rice’s “The Cap of Fortune or The Show Girl.” Written by Olive Harper, pseudonym of Ellen D’Apery. The company is a big one of 70 people, coming to Holyoke direct from Boston, where it has had a big run.

Tale of a Runaway Car — It has leaked out that the Holyoke Street Railway Company had a narrow escape from a bad accident a few days ago. A flat work car in some way got loose at Mountain ark and started down the incline to Northampton Street, free from all restrictions such as brakes and control. it got up a fine burst of speed down the sinuous park line, and dashed across the road at the foot at a record breaking clip. The motorman of a car northward bound saw it coming and was fortunately able to make a switch before it passed. There is a strong disinclination to talk about the matter at the office of the company, but that there was such a runaway was admitted. There is also a tale that the motorman of the car who saw it coming jumped, fearing that the runaway would not take the switch, and that President Loomis happened to be in that vicinity, and when the car stopped, not far distant from his house, he ran it back. Fortunately for the company there is no motormen’s union, else there might have been a strike on account of a non-union man’s working on the line. It is certain that a rigorous investigation is going on and that the blame will be fixed and the penalty applied in due time.

The partitions between the present store of A. Steiger & Co. and the new addition were removed yesterday and the work on the stairs will begin today. It is planned to have the new restaurant in operation by the time the new store is opened, which will be in about three weeks. There will be a new cashier’s office on the first floor. Most of the departments will be enlarged and the store will carry a still larger stock of goods when the addition is open.

Ex-Representative John F. Chase expects to be able to open his new bollard parlors in the newly remodeled Alderman block by Saturday. Mr. Chase will also run a bowling alley in the basement.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.

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