Holyoke Snippets — April 17, 1900

by Laurel | April 17th, 2013

17 April 1900

What Happened to Jones

What Happened to Jones

The attraction at the Holyoke Opera House this evening will be the farce, “What Happened to Jones.” “Peck’s Bad Boy” will be the play at the Empire theater this evening. Read or download “Peck’s Bad Boy” from archive.org.

Radical Suggestions at Last Nighty’s Conference — There was a conference called of the school board, the board of public works, and the educational committee of the board of aldermen at the school board rooms last evening. Owing to the shortness of the notice a quorum of the school board failed to appear, and the board of public works , after holding an overflow meeting in an adjoining room, did not venture into the school board room, but, bidding that body farewell in the corridor, departed into the night. There was, however, a vigorous discussion of means for retrenchment bu the school board. Chairman Reardon grimly made the following suggestions as to possible reductions, which were not seriously considered: Cut all of grammar school principals to $1200 each; abolish the writing teacher, music teacher, domestic science teacher, drawing teachers, four extra teachers, principal of North Chestnut Street School, biology and physiography departments at the high school, and kindergarten teachers altogether. This made an ostensible saving of at least $18,000, but did not meet with much approval. Some thought that the domestic science teacher could be dispensed with at the high school, also the physical instructor and some extra teachers. Chairman Reardon explained that the additional money asked this year was to pay the 10 teachers that had to be hired on account of increase of the school population and for extra rent, the last item amounting to nearly $3,000. Tables of statistics were pored over to learn how Holyoke stood in regard to school expenses as compared with other places. No action was taken.

President French Wants Light Brick — President French of the board of alderman comes out strong for light brick for the new Highlands School building. There is an uncontrollable desire on the part of the Highlands people, he claims, for light brick. Plain red brick is confined to the alleys nowadays. The board of public works say that it is immaterial to them whether the building be built of light brick or Connecticut River mud; they only think that they should build only a $75,000 building with $75,000, not a $100,000 building. It would seem to be “up to” the board of aldermen to furnish more money if the desired light brick is to be obtained, granted, of course, that the contention of the board of public works is true that it cannot be built, as planned, with light brick and with the present sanitary arrangements. There are attractive looking blocks in Holyoke of red brick, and also of light colored brick; some are mean enough to say that the interior arrangement is much more important than any color that the brick may happen to be. It is claimed that the arrangement of sanitaries on each floor is expensive and unusual.

There were five cases in the police court yesterday morning, all “drunks.” Four were fined $6 each and one had his case continued. Of the four fined, John Finnerty had $5, but said he had rather go to jail than give it up, and he was accommodated. Finnerty made a violent resistance when arrested and locked up.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.
Image of 1900 poster courtesy Library of Congress.

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