Tombstone Tuesday: Goodyear

by Laurel | January 21st, 2014

21 January 2014

Goodyear Tombstone, Side 1

Goodyear Tombstone, Side 1
Austin Goodyear, 1828 – 1910
His Wife
Anna C. Goodyear


Goodyear Tombstone, Side 2

Goodyear Tombstone, Side 2
Sarah L. Goodyear, 1858-1892
George L. Goodyear
1862 – 1942
his Wife
A. Rhoda Dickinson
1872 – 1944

05 April 1914

There are a few Goodyear tombstones in Elmwood Cemetery, which makes a lot of sense as this branch of the family resided in the Riverdale/Ingleside section of what is now Holyoke. The following tombstone connects with the post of yesterday, regarding the historic Goodyear home located at 755 Homestead Avenue. Below is the obituary of Anna (Chapin) Goodyear and the obituary of their son George L. Goodyear (read the obituary of Anna’s husband Austin Goodyear’s obituary in a previous post).

Mrs. Austin Goodyear Dead
Old Resident of Holyoke Passes Away at Her Laurel Street Home

The lists of deaths of long time residents od Holyoke which has been so long this winter was increased by the death of Mrs. Austin Goodyear, 70, at her home on Laurel Street, Elmwood, early yesterday afternoon. She had lived in the city for 59 years, ever since her marriage to Mr. Goodyear when she was 20 years of age. Her early home was in Chicopee when she was Miss Anna Chapin, and she came as a bride to the farm on Homestead Avenue known as the Goodyear Farm, and which has been noted all these years for its generous and genial hospitality. Three children, two sons and a daughter, blessed the union, and Mr. and Mrs. Goodyear remained on the far until the weight of advancing years made them decide to leave the farm for their son, George, to carry on, while they found a home nearer the center of Elmwood. The daughter, Miss Sarah Goodyear had died when about 30 years old, to the great grief of her parents, and when Mr. Goodyear died four years ago, Mrs. Goodyear felt that her chief hold on life was gone. In fact, as a close friend has remarked, Mr. and Mrs. Goodyear were always like comrades and were indeed a pair of old lovers happy in their lifelong attachment.

A few years ago she lost her eyesight, the loss being attended by a severe illness, from which she rallied, however, but did not regain her former health, and when she was prostrated about a month ago by the grip her hold on life seemed to loosen and she grew weaker day by day until her death yesterday. She had been one of those old-fashioned housekeepers who rose early and attended unremittingly to the cares of her household, but was always glad to welcome the coming guest. Full many not only of the Elmwood circle of friends, but of those who live downtown, love to recall the pleasant times when they visited at the Goodyears, and in former days the young people used to look forward with eagerness to their merry-makings at the Goodyear farm. Mr. and Mrs. Goodyear were for many years foremost in the activities, both social and religious of the Elmwood Baptist Church.

Withal she was a woman of much intelligence and of keen mind, keeping abreast, by her reading of the times and events of the day. After the loss of her eyesight prevented her from reading herself, she depended upon her sister, Miss Harriet D. Chapin, who had shared her home for many years, to supply the lack by reading aloud to her. Her wonderful courage and energy are instanced by the fact that at this time she learned to ready by the blind alphabet, and much enjoyed the addition to her intellectual resources. She is survived by two sons, George L. Goodyear, who carries on the home farm, and Austin B. Goodyear, who is connected with the Holyoke Water Power Company, one granddaughter, Adella Winchester Goodyear, two sisters, Mrs. Lovina C. Brown and Miss Harriet D. Chapin, ad a brother, Albert Chapin. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 8 o’clock at the home of her son Austin B. Goodyear on Laurel Street, Elmwood. The burial will be at the old cemetery at Elmwood.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.

18 January 1942

George Goodyear Dies at 80 — Was A Retired Farmer
Descendant of Holyoke and New Haven Pioneers, Was Son of Man Who Helped Inventor of Vulcanizing

Holyoke, January 17 — George L. Goodyear, who traces his lineage eight generations to Stephen Goodyear, governor of the New Haven colony in 1642, and whose father was associated with Charles Goodyear, the inventor of the vulcanizing process which made rubber marketable, died tonight at his house, 362 High Street, after a long illness. He was a descendant o the Goodyears who settled on Homestead Avenue here when it was the important street or road of Ireland parish, then a part of West Springfield. He worked the farm and lived in the original Goodyear farmhouse until he retired a few years ago.

In the farmhouse and home were devices used in the experiments on rubber and other inventions of commercial or only interest because of their uniqueness. The deceased is re;ated directly ior by marriage to the Rands, Elys, Humistons, Chapins, and Days, all pioneer families of Ireland Parish ad later prominent in Baptist Village of this city, now on the fringes of the Holyoke Water Department Reservoir system in West Holyoke.

The Goodyear farm has been split up and part of it is now offered as building sites, while other sections were absorbed by the Holyoke Water Department and the remainer sold when age and ill health prevented the owner from continuing further in the farming business.

George Lyman Goodyear was born january 7 1862, the son of Austin Goodyear and Anna Judson Chapin Goodyear. It is believed that his father was forced to leave Brown university because of ill health and shortly afterward became associated with a cousin, Charles Goodyear, the inventor. He remained in his employ for five years and at one time made an extensive trip to Central American in pursuit of rubber sources.

George Goodyear devoted most of his time to the farm, especially after the death of his father in 1910. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Rhoda (Dickinson) Goodyear; a brother Austin Bryant Goodyear of Norwich, Ct., and a neice. His brother also was associated with his father in farming until he took up employment in the engineering department of the Holyoke Water Power Company.

Mr. Goodyear was one of the eldest living members of the Holyoke Lodge of Elks.

The funeral will be Tuesday afternoon with service at 2 at the Alger Funeral Parlors. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery.

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