To Work For Holyoke’s Good

by Laurel | February 14th, 2014

14 February 1904

Business Association’s Plan

The annual banquet of the Holyoke businessmen’s association Wednesday evening was probably the most representative gathering that has assembled in the seven that have now been given.  The foundation of the association has been strongly laid and prudent and conservative management has won for it first the respect, then the confidence and commendation of the people of Holyoke. President Whitcomb now believes that the time has come when steps forward may be taken and an effort made to unite with the business man, the professional man and the manufacturer, with the central idea for all of the up-building and betterment of the city of Holyoke. Not that the professional man and the manufacturer has not hither to been welcome, but no special invitation has been extended.A few years ago the board of trade, as it was then called, had declined in public opinion. It is not necessary to go into the reasons or history; but it was first necessary to restore the association to public confidence. This was not an easy task; and the association particularly in the early history met with many rebuffs; but it persevered and winning fight after fight for the interests of the business men and finally several in which others besides business men were interested, it began to attract a favorable public notice. As the boys say, things began to “come its way.”

While there may be now a few men, who, not understanding the quiet, effective work that is being done, as well as that which is trumpeted in the public prints, have doubts as to its usefulness, no one who has made a careful study of what it has done the past few years but that is straightway turned into an enthusiastic advocate of the association, its aims and methods. Now it is felt that it has a secure place in the confidence of Holyoke people, it hopes to bring into association with it men from the other walks of life, who will be able by their training of various kinds, their outlook at other angles of the body politic, through shrewd observation and trained intellect to assist effectively in not only maintaining the present vantage ground, but in advancing Holyoke’s interests more rapidly than would otherwise be possible. Such in a word is the prospectus of the next forward movement of the association.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.


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