by Laurel | June 5th, 2009
June 05, 1909
The New Phoenix Realty Building
The work on the new Phoenix realty building at the corner of Maple and Dwight streets has begin and the contract calls for the completion of the building by December 1. The building will be an addition to the Holyoke buildings, being absolutely fireproof, and, as stated before, will be of steel and concrete, the frame being steel. The cost of the new block will be $150,000, and on the ground floor will be nine stores. The building will be six stories in height and will contain 51 offices on the second floor and the contract calls for 32 four, five and sex-room apartments. The architect, L. L. Bridge of Springfield, will have the entire charge of the creation of the block and has made a specialty of fireproof buildings. He is already erecting a block for Patrick H. Quinn of Springfield opposite the armory on State street and has recently completed some fire buildings in Bridgeport, Ct., among them being the Security building in which not a bit of wood was used, the baseboards eve being of steel. He returned to Springfield to take up his residence and has now opened up an office there in addition to his offices in Philadelphia, New York and Bridgeport. Mr. Bridge will oversee the work on the new Holyoke building employing the labor for the work. The only contracts which will be let will be for the plumbing and heating, these being awarded later.