by Laurel | June 15th, 2009
June 15, 1909
Death of Terence L. Curran
Terence L. Curran, 70, died yesterday morning at his home, 107 Main street, after a short illness. He was born in Ireland and came to this country when a young man, locating in South Hadley Falls, where he conducted a meat and grocery store for a number of years. About 40 years ago he removed to Holyoke and later, giving up the store business, he opened an immigration office in his block on Main street, About five years ago he suffered a shock and had been gradually failing in health, although he was able to handle his business until about six weeks ago. He was one of the oldest members of the St. Jerome church, and when the Rosary church was established he became a member of that church. He was married twice, his first wife dying 30 years ago. Four years later he married again. He leaves beside his widow, one son, Dr. C. J. Curran of North Adams, and four daughters, Mrs. T. J. O’Connor and Miss Emily Curran, principal of the Park street school of Holyoke, Mrs. E. J. Lucey of Boston and Mrs. J. J. Fitzgerald of Hartford, Ct. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning with requiem mass in the Rosary church. The burial will be in St. Jerome cemetery.
June 15, 1910
Tax Rate Will Go Up.
The increase in Holyoke’s share in the state tax of over $13,000 will raise the tax on $100 of last year about 25 cents. Whether this will cause any raise in the tax rate this year remains to be learned, the assessors at the present time doing considerable figuring and saying nothing for publication.
June 1, 1890
The board of health has given warnings to a large number of property owners that they must see that the outhouses and sewer connections are put in better condition. About 60 places have been visited and the board will insist that they are looked after. The board was successful in one case brought for violations of the ordinances and has reason to take a strong hold on such matters and do whatever is possible to prevent sickness. The plumbers, both employers and Journeymen are requested to make applications for licenses at the office of the board before July 1, as those now in force will expire at that time.
At the police court yesterday morning Patrick Ash was fined $10 for being drunk. Margaret Costello and her husband Michael, got into a fight with their neighbors Thursday night and were fine in court yesterday morning. The former paid $3 and the latter $3. Alfred Nice was fined $5 for an assault.
Excerpted from the Springfield Republican.