by Laurel | July 27th, 2009
July 27, 1901, page 8
The police court was a scene of heart-breaking grief yesterday morning and some quarts of tears were shed, all because of a youthful elopement which did not turn out well. A few weeks ago a bond of affection grew between Joseph Payette, a 19-years-old boy of Lyman street, and 14-years-old Mary Parker of Race street. Their parents mutually objected to the match, so the two left town and were married. They lived together for a month at Waterbury, Ct., and then came back to Holyoke. The child-wife grew homesick and went back to her mother, claiming her husband threatened to shoot her. She still maintained that she loved the youth, however, but the parents thought it best to swear out a warrant for the boy’s arrest on the charge of abusing a female child. He appeared before the court yesterday, but the girl pleaded so hard for her husband and wept so bitterly that the mother’s heart melted and she allowed the case not to be prosecuted. The young man was placed on probation until August 30, and nothing more is likely to be heard about it. The boy and girl will undoubtedly be allowed to resume their conjugal relations, although there may be some doubt as to the legality of the marriage. During the short time that the group were in the courtroom all connected with the case were in tears.
Excerpt from the Springfield Republican.