by Laurel | July 28th, 2009
July 28, 1902, page 6
The Chinese Laundrymen would not be allowed a charter should they form a union of their own. Such was the reply sent to Business Agent Dowd of the central labor union in reply to an inquiry of the national headquarters of the laundrymen’s union at Troy, N.Y. Mr. Dowd was questioned by a delegation of laundrymen the early part of last week as to whether it would be possible for them to join the laundry workers’ union. On receiving a negative reply the committee wished to know whether they could form a Chinese laundry union. Mr. Dowd said that he would have to inquire of the national officials of the laundry workers’ union whether a charter could be granted. He wrote, and last Friday received an answer stating that it was thought inadvisable to issue a charter to the Chinese at present. It will be remembered that during the past two months fines have been imposed upon members of a majority of the unions in Holyoke in case they should be found patronizing Chinese laundries. This has hurt the Chinamen’s trade, and increased that of the steam laundries, according to the laundry workers. Several unions reported fines against patrons of the Chinese at the central labor union yesterday.
From The Springfield Republican.