by Laurel | August 18th, 2009
August 18, 1909, Page 8
Holyoke. –Word has just been received in this city of the wedding at Winnepeg, Canada, of Miss Nellie Farr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Farr, of Bond street, to Ernest Blunt of Morden, Manitoba.
The courtship was wholly by correspondence, Miss Farr having written to her prospective husband for 16 months during which time they had never seen each other. Three weeks ago Miss Farr left for Morden and her wedding took place August 12.
Mr. Blount met his wife at Winnipeg and apparently both young people were satisfied with each other as they were married in that place before proceeding to Morden. They will live on a farm in that town.
From The Pawtucket Times.