by Laurel | August 18th, 2009
August 18, 1903, page 8
Rumors are current that there will be established in the fall or early spring a hospital by and for the French-speaking people of the city of Holyoke. While the French physicians have representation on at least one of the hospitals of the city, it is believed that there is a wide field for the introduction of a hospital for French people to be in charge of French nurses and with a list of French physicians on the staff, along with, perhaps, some of the other Holyoke physicians. No definite steps seem yet to have been taken. It is believed that such an institution would without doubt be self-supporting if managed right. It might be begun in a small way and be enlarged if the project was successful. Dr. J. A. Martin said last night that he thought such an institution might pay, but he did not know where the funds could be obtained. Dr. J. A. Brindamour did not want to express an opinion off-hand. One or two others were asked about the matter but nothing definite could be learned.
From The Springfield Republican.