by Laurel | August 19th, 2009
August 19, 1910, page 10
Miss Lillian E. Harper of Worcester place and Edward E. Ezold of 270 Pine street were married at the home of the bride at 4 yesterday afternoon, Rev. H. H. Morrill, rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal church performing the ceremony. The house had been prettily trimmed for the occasion, the parlor being decorated with palms and cut flowers. Miss Lillian Cobb played the wedding march from “Lohengrin” as the wedding party endered the parlor. The bride wore a gown of white batiste over white taffeta, and carried white carnations. The attendants were Miss Frances Harper and Frank Sizer, the bridemaid wearing white lawn over white taffeta and carrying pink asters. Following the ceremony a reception was held, after which the couple left for a wedding trip to Boston and Providence, R. I. Upon their return they will reside on Pine street.
From The Springfield Republican.