by Laurel | August 27th, 2009
August 27, 1903, page 8
Rev. Charles H. Marsh, formerly of Holyoke, has accepted a call to the Baptist church at Rockwell, Ia. Mr. Marsh was a member of the Second Baptist church many years ago, and was a son of Henry Marsh of South Hadley Falls. He went West many years ago. He was formerly a professional baseball player, and had his choice of accepting a position as an expert baseball player or taking the pastorate of a little country church. He chose the latter, and has risen from one position to another in his profession. He has been pastor of churches in Eldorn and Grundy Center, and was superintendent of schools for a time in Iowa. He was offered a salary of $5000 to take up the career of a baseball player, but chose the ministerial career at a salary of $500.
From The Springfield Republican.