by Laurel | August 27th, 2009
August 27, 1902, page 4
Young Women, One Said to be From Holyoke, in Conflict Near Binghamton, N. Y.
A dispatch from Binghamton, N.Y., says that Miss Anna Taylor of Holyoke and Miss Katherine Rice, a Kansas City Stenographer, engaged in a horsewhip duel a short distance from that city. The girls are spending the summer at Rexford, and Miss Rice met a young man, who paid her ardent attentions. Miss Taylor allege she had unduly influences the young man’s affections, for he was her sweetheart before the arrival of Miss Rice. The girls met at a social affair, and warm words passed between them. Each armed herself with a horsewhip and went in search of the other and when they met it was to cut each other unmercifully across the head and shoulders until the blood flowed. Miss Rice stood her ground until her opponent fainted from pain and the sight of the blood. The affair has caused a sensation at Rexford.
From The Springfield Republican.