by Laurel | August 31st, 2009
August 31, 1907, page 10
One Woman Attacks Another in Boarding-House Kitchen.
The pot called the kettle black in the kitchen of Shannon’s boarding-house at 16 Bridge street about 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon and blood flowed in consequence. The controversy was between Kate Patton and Mrs. Arthur Goff, each about 28 years of age and each employed in the Shannon kitchen. There has been ill-feeling between the two women for some time, and yesterday afternoon a dispute over some trifling personal privileges in the kitchen was enough to uncork all their pent-up wrath. For some time the dispute was a wordy contest, a mutual exchange of vituperative remarks.
The affair passed out of the feminine stage when the Patton woman, beside herself with rage, is alleged to have caught up a small carving knife and struck Mrs. Goff in the arm. The blade passed entirely through the biceps muscle of the forearm and made a gash about four inches long. Dr. George J. Hebert was called and dressed the wound. The Patton woman was arrested and will be arraigned this morning on the charge of assault with a dangerous weapon.
From The Springfield Republican.