by Laurel | September 2nd, 2009
September 2, 1910, page 10
Will Appear With His Flying Machine at Highland Park
Plans have been made for a biplane exhibition to be given at Highland park on the 17th, by Charles F. Willard, under the auspices of the Young Men’s Christian association. Mr. Willard was in Holyoke recently and talked the matter over with Secretary Burgess of the association, and agreed to forward his contracts at once from Boston. Nothing having been heard from him, Secretary Burgess telegraphed him yesterday, but had received no reply up to last evening. SO much interest has been created in the exhibitions of flying machines that it is felt that such an exhibition in Holyoke would receive financial support. The cost, $1200, is so great that it is not even probably that the association will do much more than break even in the venture. A large share of Holyoke people have had no opportunity to see these machines in use, and preparations will be made for entertaining a big crowd if the attraction is finally secured. Mr. Hoyt, the owner of the strip, has agreed to put the field in shape for the exhibition.
From The Springfield Republican.