by Laurel | September 9th, 2009
September 9, 1909, page 12
Civic Improvement Meeting
A.N. Potvin Speaks of All But Those on City Property.
The Holyoke civic improvement association held an interesting meeting in library hall last evening and plans for the fall work were discussed. The board of public works was represented. Commission A. N. Potvin addressed the meeting. Mr. Potvin spoke especially against the billboards and placards posted in the city, mentioning the recent placarding of the electric railway poles by the street railway company and the billboard of the Holyoke water-power company. It was noted, however, that Mr. Potvin did not speak of the billboards which are at present standing on city property, which is supposedly under the jurisdiction of the board of public works and are distinctly against the city ordinances. Chairman Walsh of the board said last evening in answer to a query regarding these billboards that the board of public works had granted no permission for the erection of these boards and that he thought it was the duty of the police department to order them removed. The police department, on the other hand, think that the matter lies in the jurisdiction of the board of public works. Owing to the conflict of opinions, the billboard still remains.
From The Springfield Republican.