by Laurel | September 18th, 2009
September 18, 1909, page 14
Superintendedt of the Crocker Mill — Well-known in the Paper Industry.
Charles A. Outterson, 64, superintendent of the Crocker division of the American writing paper company, died Thursday night at his home, 245 Oak street, death coming suddenly. Although he had been ill for some time, suffering with Bright’s disease, he had been able to be about, and Thursday worked all day in the mill and spent the evening on the piazza with his family. He was taken suddenly ill at 10:30 in the evening and died within a few minutes He was born at Norwich, Ct., April 25, 1845, and attended the public schools of that place. He learned the paper-making trade at the Springfield paper mills at Rainbow, Ct., and in 1880 he was made superintended of the Beebe and Holbrook paper mill., resigning later to take a similar position with the Connecticut River paper company and later with the Winona paper company. He resigned from this mill in 1893 and took the position of superintendent of the Crocker paper company, where he remained eight years, after which for five years he was superintendent at the Whiting No. 1 mill.
Mr. Outterson then returned to the Crocker mill, where he remained until the time of his death. He was married in Holyoke in June, 1870 to Miss Maria E. Renwick, whom he leaves with two sons. Frederick, superintendent of the Easton-Dickman mill in Lee, and Charles T., a member of the senior class at the Holyoke High school. He also leaves four sisters, Mrs. Isabella Lane of Watertown, N. Y., Mrs. Carrie Nye, of Boise Idaho, Mrs. Mary Redway, of Idaho and Mrs. Eliza Wales of Pellase, N. Y. He was a member of the Washington loge of Masons at Windsor, Ct. The funeral will be held at the home to-morrow afternoon, Rev. Dr. E. A. Reed conducting the service. The burial will be in Forestdale cemetery.
From The Springfield Republican.