by Laurel | October 8th, 2009
October 8, 1906, page 12
Ceremony at Elmwood Baptist Church at Holyoke, Where Addition is Being Erected.
The formal exercises connected with the laying of the cornerstone of the new addition of the Elmwood Baptist church at Hoyoke were held at 3:30 yesterday afternoon. Owing to the stormy weather a large share of the exercises were held in the church auditorium, which was crowded, many not being able to get inside the doors. The scriptures were read by Rev. H. H. Morrill of St. Paul’s Episcopal church, and prayer was offered by Rev. Dr. J. P. Kennedy of the First Methodist church. Rev. Dr. E. A. Reed of the Second Congregational church extended greetings from the other Protestant churches in the city.
The address of the day was delivered by Rev. Dr. W. W. Weeks of this city, who said that he did not intend to give a sermon owing to the lack of time, but spoke briefly from the text, “And of Zion it shall be said that this and that man was born therein.” In the first place the church was the birthplace of souls, the speaker said, and that the glory of the church of Christ was in the number of persons gained for the church. The building itself, however beautiful, was a failure if the saving of could was not made the first object of its being. He protested against the gospel being called a simple gospel. This was not so as the gospel was complex and required study to get at the real meaning of the scriptures.
Following the address the ritual of dedication was read, and the corner-stone was laid by P. M. Lynch of the Lynch Bros’ company. The prayer of dedication was given by Rev. John S. Lyon, and the ceremony of the laying on of hands followed. After the Gloria by the congregation, Rev. H. H. Morrill pronounced the benediction. The following committee have charge of the building: Rev. J. A. Hungate, Albert K. Wheeler, Dwight H. Ives, Lyman B. Moore, Lucius Ely and William Crossley. The following representatives of former pastors were present: Dea. A. J. Rand, grandson of Rev. Thomas Rand, pastor 1803-1828, Mark Carpenter, grandson of Rev. Mark Carpenter, pastor, 1850-59; Mrs. Edwin H. Bemis, Daughter of Rev. Edwin M. Bartlett, pastor, 1881-1892; Frank G. Willcox, son off Rev. Monson A. Willcox, pastor, 1892-1902. The stone was placed on the southwest corner of the addition, facing South street, and on the face was engraved: “First Baptist church, recognized 1803, enlargement, 1906,” while on the ends were cut the dates of the erection of the three former buildings, 1794–1828–1880.
From The Springfield Republican.