by Laurel | October 9th, 2009
October 9, 1902, page 8
Adolphe Stache, a retired overseer, formerly with the Germania mills, committed suicide early yesterday morning by taking a does of carbolic acid. He had not been working of late, and so nothing was thought of his not arising until after 7, when he was heard groaning and found to be in a dying condition. Dr. Gardner Cox was called, but nothing could be done for the man, who died at 7:30. He has been boss weaver for the Germania mills for about 18 years, closing his service with that company last May, since which time he had been very despondent, which, together with his illness with rheumatism, which prevented him from working regularly, probably led to a temporary derangement. He was a member of the Bridge-street Turnverein, Humboldt lodge, Knights of Pythias, and the Germania benefit society. He had built a comfortable home at 114 South street, and was highly esteemed as a citizen.
From The Springfield Republican.
[Note: this is another person from my genealogy database, interested in contact by people with similar research interests.]