by Laurel | April 23rd, 2010
April 23, 1900
The board of public works met Saturday evening and voted to advertise for plans and specifications for the new Elmwood School building. The plans are to be for a building to connect by the rear with the present building, itself having eight rooms. The sanitaries for both buildings are to be placed in the basement of the connection. Detailed estimates must accompany the plans, which must provide for a building not to exceed in cost $25,000. All bids must be in by May 4. The board voted to order 8,000 to 10,000 feet of maple bridge plank of Moses Newton. The city engineer was requested to make an examination of the Dwight-street foot bridge over the Boston and Main railroad and report back to the board. It is planned to make a periodical examination of this structure. A sewer is to be put in on East street between East Dwight and Samoset streets. The board will hear petitions for sidewalks the afternoon of May 3.
From The Springfield Republican.