by Laurel | May 10th, 2010
May 10, 1933
A large haul was made by thieves who broke into the Boston & Maine railroad station last night and did considerable damage in ransacking the entire building. Entrance to the station was made through a window on the west side of the building.
The intruders broke open two telephone pay station boxes, emptied the contents and then made off with one of the telephones. Both phones were ripped from the wall. Five gum machines in the building were broken open and the contents also taken. The thieves also turned their attention to the news stand located at the station and took 250 cigars, 21 packages of cigarettes, 33 packages of tobacco, five pipes and some candy. An attempt was also made to gain entrance to the ticket office located in the same building as marks on the lock of the door leading to the office showed signs of being tampered with. The report of the break was made by Alexander Gammie of the railroad police.
From The Springfield Republican.