by Laurel | June 7th, 2010
June 7, 1918
The fire commissioners yesterday afternoon made the provisional appointment of Henry E. Donaghue as stoker for engine 4 at the Mount Tom engine house. The secretary was instructed to advertise for bids for a combination hose and chemical and a triplicate automobile pump, chemical and hose wagon. This is in pursuance of the policy of completely motorizing the fire department. Fireman Matthew Welch was given a six months leave of absence because of ill health. The secretary was instructed to request the major to have the ringing of the curfew stopped as the ringing of the two-bell signal is very confusing when there are evening fire alarms. The secretary was also instructed to write to the city marshal regarding the number of false alarms rung in, to see if steps could not be taken to stop the trouble, also to have the patrolman on each beat, when an alarm is sounded, go to the nearest street intersection and stop traffic. The fire commissioners also voted to request the citizens not to pull any box alarm for fires at the city dump, but instead to telephone the department which will gladly send apparatus promptly. At the Wednesday night alarm for a fire in the Elmwood dump, seven pieces of apparatus were sent to the box when only one was necessary. On the approval of Chief Hurley the commissioners granted the request of the Red Cross that knitting machines be installed at the engine houses for the use of the department members in their spare time. Chief Hurley attended the meeting yesterday, this being the first time he has been out since his recent accident.
From The Springfield Republican.