by Laurel | June 11th, 2010
June 10, 1930
Married to Laurence Judge at Sacred Heart Church.
The wedding of Miss Helen Mary Quirk, daughter of Thomas J. Quirk of 289 Walnut street, and Laurence Clement Judge, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Judge of South Hadley Falls, took place yesterday morning at 9, at Sacred Heart church. The marriage ceremony was performed by Mons. William Foley. The single-ring service was used. The bridal music was played by Miss Nol-Egan, organist, and Telesphore Bourassa, violinist, and Mrs. Grace Simes Greaney gave several vocal selections. Miss Quirk had Miss Ann Scannell for her bridesmaid and Dr. John J. Long of South Hadley Falls acted as best man for Mr. Judge.
The couple are to live at the Plaza Court apartments, 101 Linden street, and will be at home to their friends after July 1.
Miss Quirk attended the local schools, was graduated in the class of 1923 from the Holyoke High school and was employed at the office of the Eureka Blank Book company. Mr. Judge attended the South Hadley Falls schools, Williston academy and was graduated from Amherst college in the class of 1927. He is connected with the Eureka Blank Book company.
From The Springfield Republican.