by Laurel | November 3rd, 2011
Remembering: the Story Behind a Random Forestdale Tombstone
Location: Circle
01 November 1906
Charles C. Hunter, 62, died yesterday afternoon at 5 at his home, suddenly and under distressing circumstances. His wife left him, in apparent good health, to do a bit of shopping. When she returned she found him on a sofa, doubled up in the agony of an attack of rheumatism of the heart, and barely conscious. Drs. Whitney and McCabe were at once summoned, and endeavored to relieve him, but he died within an hour in the arms of his wife, who was prostrated by the sudden blow. Although he had been troubled a little with his heart, it was not generally known and his death will come as a great shock to a wide circle of friends in church, social and fraternal life. He could always be counted upon for a helpful share in any good work; and while a man of positive convictions, was tolerant toward those who differed with him, and one who won and retained friends with ease. He had lived in ward 1 most of his life. About a year ago he bought a yeast route and moved from ward 1 to 242 Hampden street. In politics he was strongly republican, and was active in republican politics in that ward, holding several minor political ward offices. In the Masonic fraternity he took especial interest, and had occupied most of the chairs in the three divisions, being past master of Mount Tom Lodge, past high priest of Royal Arch chapter and past thrice illustrious mast of Mount Holyoke Council. He had been nearly all of his residence in Holyoke a member of the Second Congregational Church and was elected deacon about two years ago. He had been president of the Christian industrial league of that church and interested in other forms of church work. He leaves a widow, one son Robert W., and three daughters, Mrs. Raymond B. Williams, Mrs. Clayton Graves and Mrs. J. M, Griffin, all of Holyoke, and a brother James of Burke, N.Y. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon.
Note: still looking for an obituary for Caroline Smith Hunter.