by Laurel | December 17th, 2011
17 December 1916
What Stores Are Offering
Attractive and Practical Displays the Rule
Holyoke is preparing to have a good Christmas celebration this year, in spite of the increased cost of living. The manufacturers have made it possible for their thousands of employees to have a greater enjoyment of the day through the voluntary awarding of bonuses, which have tended to help out in the increased cost of living expenses. Were it not for this many would be in a poorer financial condition at the present time than last year, in spite of business activity and steady work.
Plans are under way for the usual Christmas exercises by the churches and also for the distribution of Christmas baskets by the Salvation Army and other organizations. The annual public Christmas tree will be set up on the city hall lawn and appropriately decorated and illuminated with colored electric lights. The H. E. Nash company, as in past years, have given the tree, and the board of public works will place it in position and the lighting will be done by the electric light department.
Helping in the enjoyment of the holidays is the general prosperity of the city. The bank saving club members received their checks during the week, and the forethought of the member has provided them with Christmas expenses. The stores this year will be open evenings during the week before Christmas, but the efforts of the merchants to have Christmas trading done early has its effect, and the former rush of Christmas week has eased up and spread over a longer period. In former times practically all of the Christmas trading was done in the three or four days preceding the holiday, fairly swamping the clerks and also handicapping the customers. The stores this year reflect the prosperity of the city and are showing more holiday goods than for some years preceding.
At the Childs shoe store, which, by the way is one of the biggest shoe stores in New England, there is nothing in the gift line missing. Slippers and shoes in all styles and in every variety and price, hosiery plain and fancy are all there. The showing in the stores is largely practical, and that is the sort of a gift that is the most appreciated. At the Dowling & Bunyan store, the floor space of which has been doubled this year, the firm has the best Christmas showing of its history. In the showing is a notable line of materials for evening gowns as well as gowns made up in exclusive models. Many of the models are imported. At Sheehan’s shop on Maple street there is a special showing of evening dresses for Christmas gifts, and secial care has been exercised in their selection. Included are soft satins, silver and gold cloths, tulle and georgettes, dancing frocks, marionette sweaters, ladies’ blouses as well as a fine showing of children’s wear. The firm has the agency for the Madame Hendren character dolls.
Christmas gifts in jewelry, silverware, clocks and watches can be seen in great variety at the A. J. Rand store on Appleton Street. Many in the city who wish a special menu for the holiday will take their Christmas dinner at the Hotel Nonotuck this year and reservations are already being made. The hotel has prepared a splendid menu for the holiday.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.