by Laurel | January 9th, 2012
08 January 1935
On this day Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Tolkas made the front page of The Springfield Republican. Stein had returned from her home in Paris to the United States after 31 years absence for a whirlwind lecture tour of many states. While Stein and Tolkas did not visit Holyoke, in western Massachusetts (that I am aware of) she did have speaking engagements at Mt. Holyoke College, Smith College, Amherst College and two locations in Springfield, including the Century Club. Her presence received considerable attention and there are numerous articles about her lectures.
The Century Club in Springfield, still in existence today (interesting social club and well worth a click), hosted Stein who lectured on the topic of “The Gradual Making of the Making of Americans.”
From The Springfield Republican, image public domain.