by Laurel | January 24th, 2012
24 January 1909
Pauline Cisek, Who Was Shot at Holyoke Friday Evening, Not So Seriously Wounded as at First Believed.
Pauline Cisek, who was shot by John Piela at her home, 126 Lyman Street, Holyoke, Friday evening, is resting as comfortably as could be expected at the House of Providence Hospital. She is attended by City Physician Hurley and Dr. W. J. Teahan, and the doctors said last evening that unless something new developed that the girl had a good chance to recover from her wounds. The first shot passed through the side of her face, just below the chin, and the wound is not considered dangerous. The second bullet struck her in the right breast, ranging across, stopping on her left side near the heart. Her condition was such from the shock and the loss of blood yesterday that it was not considered safe to remove the bullet, but when she gathers strength an X-ray will locate the bullet and it will be removed.
While there is of course grave danger yet, her recovery is not expected. It appears that Piela intended first to kill her and then to commit suicide, but he was overpowered before he could put his plan into effect. He was in court yesterday morning and will be held pending the result of the girl’s injuries. The police officers believe that he has been before the court once or twice before, having given the name of Peter Pikol. He has not borne a very good reputation among his countrymen, and has been quarrelsome and not inclined to work. He has endeavored to gain the girl’s affections for two years, and has called upon her at her home against her wishes, having been told repeatedly by her that she did not care for him and would not marry him.
From The Springfield Republican.