by Laurel | February 8th, 2012
08 February 1905
A pleasant home wedding took place last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hirsch of 250 Pine Street, when their daughter Rose was united in marriage to Isaac E. Klein of Fairmount, West Virginia. The ceremony took place at 7:30. Rabbi Luri of this city performing it according to the Hebrew rites. The bride was handsomely gowned in white taffeta silk, with a lace robe, and wore also a Parisian collaret of pearls, a gift from the groom, and a diamond brooch, also the groom’s gift. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Helen Hirsch, who wore a blue crepe de chine, trimmed with chiffon lace. The bride carried bride roses, and the bridesmaid wore pink carnations. Little Helen Rickman, niece of the bride, acted as flower girl, dressed in white, and carrying a wreath of carnations. The bride was given away by her father. The best man was Max Klein, brother of the groom. The wedding marches were played by Miss Louise Scharton of Hartford, CT. A wedding reception and supper followed at the bride’s home, about 50 guests being present. After a wedding trip of several weeks Mr. and Mrs. Klein will live in Fairmount, West Virginia, where the groom is in business. Among the out of town guests present were Mr. and Mrs. R. Klein of Baltimore, MD, Mr. and Mrs.S. J. Rickman and daughter Helen of Hartford, CT, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nichols, Henry and Etta Lasker, Mrs. and Mrs. B. Bearg of Holyoke. Mr. and Mrs. E. Grandstein and daughter Helen of Chicopee, Miss Lena Harmeon of Boston, Misses Minnie and Belle Rickman of Hartford, CT.
From The Springfield Republican.