by Laurel | April 9th, 2012
09 April 1936
One of the most popular clubs at the Holyoke High School is the Coin and Stamp club; and many of the former members who have left school are still ardent stamp enthusiasts.
Front row, left to right: Edward Daytel, Virginia Bernard, secretary; David Fitzgerald, president; Thomas Ripa, vice-president; John O’Neil, Winifred Miller, acting treasurer, Everett Bay.
Second row, left to right: Daniel Kodis, Ned Stapleton, Randolph Gerling, Douglas Howard, Nelson Canova, William Inman, Arthur Murray, Alex Staka.
Third Row, left to right: Roger Brun, William Frazier, Charles Debien, Robert Belsky, Robert Cleary, George Griffin, Harold Henry.
Fourth row, left to right: Howard Schoeffel, John McNulty, Michael Lynch, John Killman, Mrs. George Frost faculty advisor.