by Laurel | February 7th, 2013
22 March 1934
Business Men Not Pleased With Curtailment Due to Economy Measure.
Holyoke. — Curtailment of the carrier service to give one day “furlough” without pay and without the employment of substitutes as a matter of economy, has left Holyoke without any carrier service, either business or residential, on Tuesday afternoons. Postmaster H. D. Prentiss said today that Tuesday was selected on account of its being the lightest day for delivery. There is now only one daily delivery of parcel post.
Postmaster Prentiss denied that any part of the city had only one delivery a day but some of the residents assert that they are not reached by carrier more than once a day. In Boston the usual four deliveries a day in the business section has been cut down to three.
Conrad J. Hemond of the Chamber of Commerce said today that he was to interview the postmaster on the matter as one delivery in the afternoon was serious handicap to business men. It may be that a protest may be formulated and sent to Washington but this has not yet been decided upon. The matter is wholly out of the control of the local Postmaster. The order for curtailment was sent out from Washington.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.