by Laurel | February 26th, 2013
26 February 1913
Kicked by a Horse — Joseph Lynch of 39 Samosett Street had a narrow escape at the O’Neill brickyard yesterday morning when the cart he was driving tipped over, dragging the horse down. When he started to unhitch the horse kicked him in the forehead, striking a glancing blow and inflicted a bad wound. He was taken to Dr. Mead’s office and later taken to the House of Providence hospital for treatment.
Delinquent Taxpayer in Tow of Constable — That the statement made by the tax collector recently that back taxes must be paid was not a “glittering generality” was emphasized yesterday morning when a well-known builder was conducted to the tax collector’s office by Constable “Alec” Lapointe, where the back taxes were settled up. There is a list of delinquents who are due for a jogging of the memory by the constable if their taxes are not handed over promptly.
Mrs. Honora Moriarty died at her home 211 Lyman Street last evening after a short illness. She leaves, besides her husband, Cornelius, three sons, Eugene, Timothy and Joseph, and four daughters, Abbie, Mary, Catherine and Irene. The funeral arrangements are not yet complete.
The Star Club met last evening at the home of Mrs. James M. Kennedy on Fairfield Avenue. Whst was enjoyed, and following the play refreshments were served.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.