by Laurel | March 6th, 2013
06 March 1916
Zoel Mayer, 44, died yesterday at the tuberculosis hospital after a long illness. He leaves besides a widow, 11 children and a father and mother. The funeral will be held at the home 527 South Summer Street, tomorrow morning at 8, with requiem mass in the Precious Blood Church at 8:30, and the burial will be in the Notre Dame Cemetery.
“The Baptism of the Bells,” a French play of the oldern times, was given at the Knights of Columbus Hall last evening by the Perpetual Help Church dramatic club, under the direction of Rev. J. R. Lachapelle. The hall was filled and the play was given an excellent presentation by a well-selected cast of 20 young women.
Blackjacks in Evidence — A lively fracas took place at the Harugari Hall on East Street at 9:45 last evening in which John Bzy of Chicopee Falls was pounded by Mike Solourae of 5 Adams Street and Andrew Gowarosk of 377 Park Street. Solourae used a home made blackjack about two feet long and Gowarosk had a regulation police blackjack in his possession. Julian Molec of Chicopee Falls was present at the melee and brought with the others to the police station. Bzy required the services of a physician on his arrival at the station.
Miss Margaret Slattery gave the final address in the series at the high school hall last evening, President Mary E. Woolley of Mount Holyoke College presiding. The meeting was for women. There was a large attendance.
Death of Joseph Moore — Once Candidate for Mayor — Had Lived in New York 18 Years. — Word was received yesterday of the death in New York City of Joseph Moore, a former well-known Holyoke resident, and at one time a candidate for mayor. For many years he was foreman of the finishing department at the Whiting Paper Company. He left the city for New York about 18 years ago. He leaves a brother, William, janitor at the West Street School and Robert D. Moore, formerly a member of the board of overseers of the poor.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.